Thanks for your interest in a free Game Plan Call with our team! Fill out the form below to indicate your interest in a free Game Plan Call.
What is a Game Plan Call?
The Game Plan Call is the first call applicants have after signing up to be a client in oru signature program, Application Accelerator®. The Game Plan Call is not the same thing as a free 15-minute Quick Call nor a Breakthrough Call. Those calls happen before you are a client.
We are updating the training for our new team members so we are offering free Game Plan Calls to a select few people. We will record the call and use it internally for training purposes only.
The Game Plan Call is 60-75 minutes via Zoom with cameras on. We help you create the plan for your entire application.
We create your full list of schools we suggest you apply to.
We give you customized test scores based on your profile.
We help you determine who should serve as your recommenders for your letters of recommendation.
We help you figure out which actions you need to take to mitigate any weaknesses in your profile.
We help you figure out which strengths to highlight in your applications.
And more!
Things to know about applying for a free Game Plan Call:
Free Game Plan Call Application Form
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