AA Test Form Green Light Guarantee School Calculator Name*Date of Breakthrough Call* MM slash DD slash YYYY Breakthrough Coach*Choose one.KaneishaPriscillaAleksejKettianneEmail*Choose one.kaneisha@theartofapplying.compriscilla@theartofapplying.comaleksej@theartofapplying.comkettianne@theartofapplying.comEthnicityIs the applicant a domestic or international applicant?* Domestic (U.S) International Indian or East Asian descent (US or international) applying to FT programs* Male Female N/A Note: For non-binary folks do not count as male or female for the calculator. There is no need to add additional schools.DegreesDegrees* Applying primarily to Full Time programs Applying primarily to EMBA, EMPA, and/or part-time programs N/A Applying to full time policy schools only?* Yes No Applying to business schools only?* Yes No Which type of business program?* MBA Full Time MBA Part Time EMBA How many Consortium MBA programs is the applicant committed to applying to?* N/A 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 Applying for a law degree only?* Yes No Applying for a joint degree?* Yes No Note: For Joint Degrees, Each separate application counts as "one school." The GLG only guarantees admission to at least ONE of your target schools. We don't guarantee admission into joint degree programs such as "We guarantee you'll get into a joint degree program at HBS, Columbia, etc." HBS counts as one school; HKS counts as one school. ***If a client is applying to multiple degrees, mark this question as YesApplying to which joint degree?* Business and Policy Degree Business and Law Degree Policy and Law Degree Applying for a PhD Degree only?* Yes No Age / Work ExperienceOlder than 29 and applying to FT programs* Yes No Work experience less than 10 years and applying to executive and mid-career programs (EMBA, EMPA)* Yes No Has fewer than two years of work experience once they matriculate* Yes No Is the applicant a US Veteran? Yes No GPAGPA* 3.8 to 4.0 3.5 to 3.7 3.3 to 3.4 3.0 to 3.2 2.7 - 2.9 2.6 or below TestDoes this applicant have an official GRE or GMAT test score?* Yes - GMAT or GRE equivalent 690+ Yes - GMAT or GRE equivalent 650 - 690 Yes - GMAT or GRE equivalent below 650 No LSAT under 160 (practice or real)* Yes No Subtotal*The total number of GLG schools to apply to is* Δ